Sue Resume



845-641-9269(M) Monroe, NY 10950

Lead Database Administrator, Report Writer, Office Manager

Lead Database Administrator, Research Analyst and Report Writer expert in administration of Blackbaud’s Raiser’s Edge Fund Raising SQL Database Software, mailing house vender management and US Postal mailing regulations with time critical precision. Manage clerical team responsible for data entry, customer service/reception and research.


  • Designed and delivered solicitation databases for major fund raising campaigns
    • West Point Bi-Centennial Campaign - $225,000,000
    • Michie Stadium upgrade Campaign - $25,000,000
    • West Point Annual Fund Appeal - $2,000,000 per year
  • Maintained 93% accuracy of a relationship/contact database
  • Generated 400+ ad hoc reports and provided 900+ customer inquiries/research requests per year
  • Compiled bi-monthly Assembly Magazine distribution database for 18,000 subscribers
  • Formulated the content for the annual Register of Graduates of the United States Military Academy at West Point for over 65,000 graduates
  • Maintain West Point’s Association of Graduates Cullum Historical Archives, with over 1,000,000 items
  • Saved a company $700,000 in penalties and tax by reconstructing 7 years of national sales tax data


  • Fund raising software - Blackbaud’s Raiser’s Edge, Contact, Development, Gift and Accounting modules; JSI’s_Millennium, Contact, Gift, and Accounting modules
  • Analysis tools - Microsoft Access 7.0, Microsoft Excel 7.0, Paradox 8
  • Report Tools - Crystal Reports, R&R Report Writer
  • Publishing Tools – Microsoft Word, Power Point, Publisher, Visio


BOBKET.NET, LLC New York 2010-Present

Consultant, Office Manager, Database administration

  •, LLC Office manager and technical assistant 2010-Present
  • Office of Ross Moskowitz DDS Consulting office manager and insurance processing (2011-2012)

Vision Sciences, Orangeburg, NY 1/09 to 6/09

Accounting Consultant

  • Saved over $700,000 in sales tax and penalties by researching the company’s SQL databases, both archived and current sales, for States charging sales tax and/or use tax over a 7 year period. Accurately computed the tax owed for each State by year.

Association of Graduates USMA, West Point, NY 6/93 to 12/08

Information Systems Support Database Administrator/Report Writer

  • Performed Blackbaud’s Raiser’s Edge Fund Raising SQL database administration
  • Designed fund raising reports using Crystal Reports, R&R Report Writer, Access, Excel, and MS Word
  • Formulated solicitation databases for 10 to 15 special events per year
  • Developed reports producing the basic content for the official Register of Graduates of the United States Military Academy at West Point and solicitation for updates of the 55,000+ living graduates
  • Researched customer inquires against the historical archives
  • Supported database migration for 3 major vender changes

Information Systems Support Clerical Manager

  • Led and mentored a clerical team ranging from 3 to 7 seasonally
  • Managed and trained main switchboard/customer service clerks and data entry clerks
  • Supported historical archives clerks. The West Point’s AOG Cullum’s Historical Archives data is kept as microfiche, hard copy and digital data.


D2L Associates, Inc., Cedar Grove, NJ 2/92 to 5/93


  • Initiated office personnel in the use of office products, Word Perfect 5.0, Lotus 123 v3.0
  • Trained operators to use “Macola Operator 10”, for tracking water and waste water test results for NJ State EPA and Federal EPA Reports

Billing Coordinator

  • Designed a billing database to support 400 customers
  • Ran the monthly reports and billing statements

Arbitration Forums Inc., Tarrytown NY 5/85 to 1/92

Personnel/Benefits Administrator, Training Coordinator

  • Established payroll and benefit budgeting spreadsheets using Lotus SYMPHONY
  • Compiled national benefits and compensation plans for all 50 States and Porto Rico
  • Revitalized and updated job descriptions and evaluated relative compensation factors to establish appropriate salary grades


Blackbaud Education

  • Blackbaud’s Net Community Module and its implementation
  • Blackbaud’s ‘Raiser’s Edge’ Software Training Phase’s I, II and advanced reporting writing
  • Blackbaud’s Annual Raiser’s Edge Conferences

JSI’s Millennium Education

  • Millennium software report writing modules
  • Millennium’s annual Conferences

Microsoft Education - West Point DOIM

  • Microsoft Access Beginners database operations and query
  • Microsoft Access Intermediate query techniques using SQL

Human Resource functional Education

  • Supervising and Managing People - Cornell Conference Center
  • How to Supervise People - National Seminars
  • Developing an Employee Orientation Program – AMA
  • Performance Appraisal Development – AMA

Orange Community College